Let’s first begin by defining balance in terms of interiors.  When we talk about balance in interior design it has three parts:  asymmetrical, symmetrical and radial.

First let’s look at radial.  By radial balance, we are talking about balance based on a circle.  For structure there are items such as domes, spiral staircases and circular windows, while other non-structural items would be round tables, chandeliers, mirrors, lighting, bowls, etc.

Radial balance - Dome
Radial balance - Dome

Symmetrical balance is when a space has the mirror image on both sides from the central point.  It creates a formal image because it is orderly and predictable.  But, because it is predictable, it is also comforting to many people while boring to others.

Symmetrical Balance - formal living room
Symmetrical Balance - formal living room

Asymmetrical balance is when dissimilar objects are placed at different distances from the center point to create a visually balanced look.  To achieve this you must consider the weight and distance of the objects, which can be a difficult task.  However, the benefit to asymmetrical balance is that it creates a more relaxed environment that is visually more interesting.

In homes today, there is a combination of the three that create a personal balanced space.   If you have a more formal home, there maybe more symmetry in the room  and accessory layouts.  This is good because then the interior decorating resonates with the form of the structure.  Subconciously the space will feel good and create good energy because it is cohesive.   So, think about the structure of the home first.  Then, think about the floor plan of the rooms and then you will get a feel of what will create a good balance to enhance the space.

Asymmetrical Balance - accessories
Asymmetrical Balance - accessories

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