Laundry Tips for Athletic Gear

Now that we are finally getting warmer weather in the Pacific Northwest, it’s the season to be outdoors.  Today many of the new fabrics that are made to keep you dry are basically polyester.  Unlike cotton, polyester seems to retain more body odor.  I know this from my three boys coming home from their various sports activities and believe me, you do not want to be near their equipment!  Not only do their clothes smell bad but those lacrosse gloves – wooo – all the parents agree that they can get nasty!

One good thing I learned in design school was from my fabrics class.  The instructor really knew her stuff and unlike many of the young students in our class, she was my age and had a family.   When she mentioned this tip, I think I was one of the few who really made a note of this.

Laundry Tip:

To remove body odor in polyester and synthetic clothing wash as directed but make sure to add double the detergent.  I have done this over the years and it truly does work.  Now, as for knee pads, shin pads, gloves and the other gear, I do run them in the washing machine with double the detergent but also make sure to put them in those mesh laundry bags.  Don’t place them in the dryer, instead dry them out in the sun.  (Well, for us in this part of the world that’s hard, so I place them on top of our dryer.)   The odor is reduced, though I will admit, those gloves will never get rid of their odor.

Hope all try this with all your exercise gear no matter what your sport or activity and please share your laundry tips too!

5 thoughts on “Laundry Tips for Athletic Gear”

  1. This is what I do: I soak the smelly clothes in water with fabric conditioner (double dose) overnight, then drain the water and wash as usual. I can’t do this for some of the new sports gear (like dry-fit Nike gear for running), because they say not to use fabric conditioner, so I’ll try your tip. Thank you!

    1. You’re right Cristina, many new fabrics do not recommend fabric conditioner/softner. I will try your trick with the gloves, thanks. My only concern is I wonder if it breaks down the fibers like bleach. Great tip!

  2. You’re right Cristina, many new fabrics do not recommend fabric conditioner/softner. I will try your trick with the gloves, thanks. My only concern is I wonder if it breaks down the fibers like bleach. Great tip!

  3. My friend and I started a wash and fold laundry service from our homes. We don’t typically get sports equipment but we do get work out clothes ect. We found that adding white vinegar to the rinse cycle acts as a natural fabric softner. It’s also more cost effective and doesn’t leave an odor!

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