The Feng Shui of a Business Name

Is there such a thing of the Feng Shui of a business name?  I follow Form School Feng Shui, which states, “Form defines qi-energy”.  So, yes, there is Feng Shui of a business name; we analyze the sounds, meanings and forms which all carry information which we believe will manifest in some shape or form.  Therefore, it’s so important to really think about your business name.

Master Hsu, just wrote his blog article on Google’s current problems in China, Google in China, which explains how the Chinese characters used in the name Google had chosen for China, manifested itself in the problems the business is experiencing today.  It is most interesting so please have a look.

3 Frogs Name and Logo

3 frogs logo
3 frogs logo

To give you an example, I will use my interior design business name:  3 Frogs Design.   So, the first question is, why 3 Frogs?  My English husband is from Bath, and his cousin who is a vicar enjoys genealogy.  Thanks to his research, we found that one of the ancestors had a very unusual coat of arms with 3 frogs. I am of Japanese ancestry, and in Japan our coat of arms is a family crest or “mon” in Japanese.  Each “mon” symbol usually represents the family name’s “kanji” (Chinese character), or maybe the family profession.  Many of those symbols were plants, flowers, tools or reptiles.  Another point is that we have 3 sons, so the number 3 has meaning to us.  Finally, frog in Japanese has a homonym to return (“Kaeru” in both cases).

I wrote a blog about that so you can link to it here.  At the end, when we combined all of this together, 3 Frogs had a lot of meaning for my husband and me, so that is how we came to that name.  It resonates with our family and we believe that whatever energy we put into our work will return.

So, remember that naming anything, regardless if it is a business, baby, pet or toy, it will manifest that energy.  We must make a conscious effort to make sure what our intentions are so we will have the desired result.  Names that resonate with your intentions have good qi-energy.

71 thoughts on “The Feng Shui of a Business Name”

  1. Dear Jenny, I really enjoyed this post discussing naming your business. Coming up with names is hard! I love the fact that you looked into the family genealogy and found the frogs on their coat of arms. I struggled for a long time before coming up with a name for my blog. I had no idea that Feng Shui could be used for naming things. That was really interesting learning that.

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  3. Hi Jenny,
    I just noticed this post about business names and feng shui, and since I couldn’t post on Blue Mountain’s blog I’ll just post here! ^^ I originally thought it was a really nice sounding name (Gu ge= valley song), but Shan-tung Hsu is right about it’s implications. Songs should be sung from mountain-tops or on great walls, not in stuck in valleys. I’ll certainly blog about this idea in the coming weeks!

  4. Hi Ben,
    Interesting isn’t it?? We have to remember that a name and logo will resonate with the company, so it’s important to take that into consideration. It’ll be interesting to see how Google grows in China now!

  5. I am back to square one with getting a business name so was on the computer looking for help. This site came up and I have been looking at everything on here-it’s great! But back to the focus of renaming the business. It is a studio incorporating barre fitness, pilates, yoga, fusion, dance, kids yoga, athletic training and nia. I was going to call it “the barre” with pretty swirls but when people hear the name they don’t respond as well as when they see it so I think I need to reconsider the name since word of mouth will be the biggest advertisement. Could you give me any suggestions? I thought of ‘Yin Yang Fitness’ although that seems to not feel right or even just ‘the studio’. Thank you in advance for any help you can supply. I am not asian by blood but spent half of my life there and have embraced the philosophies deeply and therefor there is a lot of asian influence in my teaching and decorating.


  6. Hi Justina,
    Naming a business is difficult and time consuming but with much thought I’m sure you will be able to come up with something brilliant. In feng shui we believe it’s important to have the name resonate not only with what you do but also have it symbolize your company motto.
    “Studio” and “Fitness” are good choices so I know that you are in health industry. You offer so many things at your studio, but what do they have in common? What is your philosophy? Do you approach it with an Asian philosophy of yin-yang balance? If you spent half of your life in Asia what words have meaning for you? Harmony? any particular Asian translation? In Japan we always use the word “Gambare” that means to try hard, do your best. Gam-ba-re Studio could be too foreign for many but it does make a story. Yin-Yang Studio may work for you and you can have a paragraph in your brochure to say why you named it Yin-Yang. These are the things people remember. Good luck and hope these suggestions help.

  7. Dear
    I just want to start the trading business for Ladies Suite and cosmetic items in India
    Please sugust the name of the business and logo and Colour combinations for the same.
    My date of birth is 14th oct 1984 and place of birth is Distt Gonda Utter Perdesh India pin code 274001

  8. Hi Neeraj,
    The feng shui I practice does not work with astrology, so I won’t be able to help you with that.
    I suggest you think about the purpose or goal of your business to find a good suitable name. Whatever color or design you choose make sure it resonates with what you want to sell. Hope that helps.

  9. Hi Alla,

    You don’t mention what kind of business you are in. The name you choose should resonate with your business and you, and I realize you took the first part of your name. That’s a good start.

  10. Ton the one. i want to have my own business. Can I ask? what is the best and lucky name of business for me to be success? i hope u reply on my message. Thank you!!!!

  11. evelina juaneza

    Hello, i’m planning to put up my owned manpower business can i ask what is the best lucky name of my business for me to be success and i can able o help people too.

    I’m looking forward to ear from you. Thank you very much…

  12. Hi Jenny

    I’m looking for register a company name in Food and Beverage industry, need your advise/suggestion for a good and successful company name. 🙂

  13. Hi Jenny I’m in the process of opening my salon and spa in CA.Just curious to see what you think about the name of Blossom salon and spa . I’m looking foward to hear from you.Thank you.

  14. Hi Michelle,
    Blossom sounds like a gentle place that will be good for one to rejuvenate oneself. I don’t know why but I think it has a feminine ring to it. Do you feel that?

  15. Hi Jenny
    Im in a process of renting a small shop and starting my own business in fashion designing and also selling different items in my shop such as home accessories .. My element is wood and as i read clothing shops are wood elements too… Could you help me with a name plz, i was thinking of a Japanese word that has a good meaning in English Such as (ittoh) or (dohzo) or (kohun) .. What do u think?

    Thank you so much

  16. Hi Alaa,
    Congratulations on opening your shop! I don’t know how they connected a clothing shop to wood. But I can help you with a Japanese name. Ittoh, meaning thread makes sense for a clothing shop. I wouldn’t suggest dohzo and kohun as they have no relation to your shop as they mean “please” and “hysteria”. So, my question to you is what kind of fashion and what style of home accessories? Think in terms of those lines.
    Good luck!

  17. Hello again dear Jenny this is me Alaa

    Thank unso much, Well the kind of fashion is my own designed traditional/modern dresses and some stuff that i will be importing from other countries, what do u think of (mogen) it means infinity in Japanese, i also thought of the name cinnamon, i just signed the contract and have to start working next week.

  18. Hi.Jenny!
    I would like to open a logistics and forwarding business, what will be the best and lucky name for my company. My birthdate is 4-8-1976. I hope you can help me out.
    Thank you in advance.

  19. Hi Jenny

    Wonder if you can assist me in some names for a product.
    C & K or C K then the product itself.

    Tuscan C & K

    I would like the name to roll off their tongues easily like Nike

    Is my email address intimidating should I change it?

    Look forward to your comments

    Clifford J

  20. @Yvez – Sorry for taking so long to reply. I must have missed your comment. I don’t follow the date of birth feng shui so I can’t help you there.

    @Clifford – You didn’t tell me what your product is, so it’s hard for me to know if the name will work. As far as being able to roll of someone’s tongue easily, Nike has two syllables. So, it’s easy. CK is easier than C & K as it’s 2 syllables as opposed to 3. Adding Tuscan is another 2 more. It’s gets long when it’s 5 – something to think about.


  21. I am opening a property management and rental company, catering mostly to Chinese clients. I want to have a lucky name for them to represent prosperity and good fortune. My last name is Green, so it would be nice to have that in the name as well. I also want a lucky logo to go along with the name and tie it in to homes or making money renting homes. Any suggestions?

  22. Hello…I want to open a company..I need a lucky bussiness name…its to deal with tenders from deals with supply of anything..thanx…reply soon

  23. Jolly Chris Balisnomo

    with the combination of our name Jolly Chris Balisnomo and Ma. Theresa Sombilla, can you suggest or give us a sample Catering name that we are going to use for our Catering Business. thank you

  24. RAMIL
    Hi Ms. Jenny, I have a small Architectural Design & Build Business & I want to change my Company Name into Lucky Name,,. I would like to ask your advice,
    Thank You & More Power,,

  25. hi…can you give me a suggestion by giving me a business name…my target business is in industrial services likes construction and repair, cctv installation, security system installations and other services….what would be the best idea you suggest for a business name..thanks in advance..

  26. Hello Jenny, I would like to open an employment agency and a school to educate healthcare professionals. What name do you think will suit my business?
    Thank you! 🙂

  27. Hello Jenny,
    I am doing chinese food catering business but also offer western foods and french foods. What suggestion you have for a business name?

    1. @Jennifer. First, figure out who your clients are and then what you have to offer them. You can always explain your business in your tag line, but you need “Catering” in there so they know immediately what you do. This can start you in the right direction.

  28. Hi Jenny,
    Maybe you could help me find a lucky name for my grocery which I will be opening on March 05, 2017.


    Those were the names I searched from DTI that has no match and can be use for my buss. name.

    Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.

    Big thanks.


    1. @Remy, Remember to think about who your customers are and what service you are providing. Both tell me what you do, which is a great start. Think of symbolism and location to identify your business. Good luck!

  29. Ms Gloriana Callaghan

    Hi Jenny,
    I have just come across your site and been reading some of the posts on here, as I’ve been searching through so many Feng shui sites for the guidance on Feng shui business cards, but unfortunately I am finding some of them contradictory. So At the moment I am still at a loss regarding the correct way for the business card. But I am determined to keep trying and using my creative skills and ideas to succeed. I am retired but still fairly active and decided to go for it in starting a business as a sole trader. Within 48hrs a family member came up with a name for my business which everyone liked. However since searching the different sites, I’ve discovered that for my sewing business, this would come under the element of Wood, as this was the only one I could find for sewing, which comes under clothing, another site stated linens, cotton etc for wood element too. So I am using Feng shui colours of green and brown for Wood. Another site has suggested incorporating my own personal element which is Fire. This is where I find it confusing. Because fire burns wood! I don’t even know now whether it will suit my business name which is Glorious! I’ve been using my business and made small orders already. At the moment I am still in the process of creating my business Logo. But without knowing if it is correct has stopped me from designing the logo.
    Would you please advise which is the best direction to take. Change the business name or the craft logo for home made crafts?
    Thank you for your time.
    Best Regards

  30. Hi Gloriana,
    There are so many different feng shui schools each with a different set of rules, that I’m not surprised you’re confused! Because so am I! That was very confusing.
    I practice form school feng shui. We do not use the Five Element Theory, also known as the Wu Xing Theory in these instances. So, from my point of view, forget about all the Wood and Fire.
    What is important is your passion for your business and I feel that from your business name Glorious! That sounds wonderful. Since you have already generated business, that’s a sign that your skills are needed. Focus more on what you can offer your clients and how you can help them. That’s the important thing. The logo design will come to you while you are working on your projects. Just remember that whole forms have better energy than disjointed and irregular forms.

  31. Ms Gloriana Callaghan

    Hi Jenny,

    Thank you so much for your quick reply. What you have told me is quite interesting as I always thought that Feng Shui was all about elements etc. too. This will certainly relieve the pressure of planning my business card and I will probably find it a lot easier to complete my logo.
    I appreciate your advice and I feel more relaxed now. Thank you again.

    Best regards

  32. Hi Jenny,
    Good Day!
    My boss wanted a new venture of distribution of medical supplies around the country and I am looking for a good name of the company.
    Can you please help me.

  33. Hi Jenny, I am wanting to start my own photography business, specialising in Newborn and family photography. I wondered if you could suggest any business name ideas? and/or logos. Thank-you.

  34. @Kylie, you have to think about what resonates with the type of business you are going into. When you imagine newborn what comes to mind? For me it’s cute, innocent, pure, supple. Make a list of those types of words. This should be a good start for you.

  35. Hi Jenny, I’m looking to start my own delivering business and would like to find a name for my business. Thank you.

  36. HI Jenny
    Plz I need your advice coz we are starting to make a new brand for notebook and somthing like that …..we are thinking about Stella and davenchi or somthing start with letter M coz I heard that this letter is very powerful M (money)
    So what do you suggest for us and what color we should use
    Thank you

    1. @Jessica, Always think about who your customers are and what they resonate with. What are your notebooks characteristics? Who is it for? Why are they better than other brands? Using these questions you can come up with names that match those qualities. As for the letter “M” I have not heard that it’s powerful for money. You may want to check your source. Color does have psychological, physiological and physical influence. Again, you must know what the message of your brand is, and match it to a corresponding color. Best wishes for the success of your brand!

  37. Hi Jenny,
    I am putting up a salon and spa for men and woman in Philippines. I have chosen a lotus flower for my logo. Could you pls suggest a lucky business. Will be waiting for your reply. Thanks.

  38. Elaine millen baraquiel

    hi ms. Jenny, just wat to ask if pizzeria de manila is a good name for my business? Thank you

  39. Hi Ms. Jenny,
    My boyfriend just recently started a business with his kids, Can you suggest a good family business name for them.
    Thank you so much.

  40. Hi Jenny, I would like to start a soft furnishing business that include mattresses,cushions, drapes n sofas. I am planning to move from a salaried job to an entrepreneur. Kindly suggest a name that will help me grow with this business with all the blessings.

  41. My husband and I are opening a restaurant selling fusion Korean and Mexican food and I would like to know if the name Marimba would be a lucky name for the restaurant?

    My birthday June 09-1983 and my husband March 17, 1985

    Do you have any suggestions and/or how do I find a lucky number For restaurant for numerology # is the best?

    Please let me know

    Thank you!

    1. @Usa, Korean and Mexican sounds very delicious! Marimba is a musical instrument originating in Africa. Think of a name that will bring both Mexico and Korea to mind when people walk by. As for your birthdates, sorry astrology and numerology are not my forte.

  42. Hi Jenny, I’m planning to sell organic juice which of these names should i used – Prolife Juice; Vitalife Juice, or Power of Four Juice? Thank you in advance.

  43. Hi .. im just created a new logo for my bussiness . Its in interior design. The shape of logo came from the chinese art challigraph word of Jing ( gold ) as i realize that this shapes looks like a house. Jing is also part of my mom name . So i dedicate this bussiness for her as she has been helping me so much.

  44. @Winawati, I can’t really assess your logo because I can’t see the format, even though I know what the character looks like. Yes, gold does have a roof. I like the fact that it’s also part of your mother’s name. There is resonance, which is a good thing. Best wishes on the success of your business!

    1. @jen. What type of travel service company are you creating? Think of what you are going to offer your clients. Relate this to who you are, where you’re located and you will be able to come up with a good name. Best wishes for the success of your company!

  45. I have just come across your site and been reading some of the posts on here, as I’ve been searching through so many Feng shui sites for the guidance on how to come up with a good business name, – we have just finished the construction of our Swimpool and roof Deck, since we are located on the HIllside , we thought of naming it ‘Ratu Place’ or Mahogany Tree House (we have 5 Mahogany Tree in our yard) . but somehow we feel its not cathcy enough as we wanted to offer the place for couples and family alike as a campsite / glamping site. i find it hard to come up with a good name and i was impressed with your story and hoping that you get provide guidance. thank you

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