The Four Features of Form School Feng Shui

The definition of feng shui is “living in harmony with nature”.

In form school, the source of knowledge comes from the many years of observing land forms and how the land forms affects the well-being of those who live on that land. Which mountains provided protection as well as resources for their livelihood?  Where was the soil best for growing their crops?  What area had a good source of water?  How could they be protected from the weather or wild life and which plants were good for healing stomach pains.  Through many generations of trial and error, man obtained new knowledge which they passed on to new generations.  These examples are all the beginnings of feng shui.

Over time, the ancient Chinese  found certain sites that provided all their needs that enabled them to live stable, happy and healthy lives. When nature provided for them with little effort, they had less worry of where they were going to get their next meal and thus provided a state of well-being.  When they observed natures patterns, they began to understand the problems and benefits of each area.  After years of observation, the Chinese feng shui masters created the Four Features of Form School Feng Shui.

The Four Features are:

  1. Mountains for support
  2. Hills for protection
  3. Flat land for growth
  4. Water for expansion

When all four of these features were present in the site, they found it provided a happy, healthy and good environment for those who resided there. It became important to the feng shui practitioner to always search for these four features in a landscape.

Next, we must understand how and why these four features are applied.  To be continued…

Photo: Pixabay

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