Ideas for Kitchen Faucets

With such a large variety of kitchen faucets in the market choosing a kitchen faucet can be very confusing.  Faucets are tactile.  We touch the handles multiple times on daily basis so it is important to think about how they feel in your hands.  I tell my clients that looking at faucets on the internet or in magazines is a fun way to see what’s available in the market but in reality an aesthetic faucet that doesn’t feel good in the palm of your hand can be a major disappointment.  Do take the time to go to a showroom and twist, turn, pull and touch all those faucets until you find one that really feels good in your hand.

These are some that I found on


This is an industrial kitchen spray faucet that can now be seen in larger residential kitchens.  Yes, it’s powerful but in reality, I think it’s overkill for a residence.  With all those coils, maintenance becomes an issue.  Just imagine if you get peanut butter stuck in there…

This is a Kohler pull out faucet and one of my favorite because the pull-out handle is big enough to grasp in your hand.  I like that it feels substantial, even in my small hands!  Also, the neck is high enough that you can fit a large pot underneath without feeling cramped.  Because of its transitional design, it matches both a traditional or contemporary home and best of all it’s reasonably priced.


Aesthetically, this is a beautiful faucet.  Clean lines and nothing unnecessary and coming from Grohe, it’s mechanism is wonderful.  A drawback is that the pull-out is just a thin bar and may not be so comfortable in your hand.  Also, if you are left  handed, the right sided handle will not work  for you.


This is a two handle, deck mounted bridge faucet that matches a traditional kitchen setting.  But from a functional point of view you need two hands to get the water to the right temperature.  This procedure can be time consuming and over time would cause frustration to the cook.  In a kitchen, timing can be crucial to create a meal and although this may seem rather trivial, to an everyday cook, it is an issue that you should consider.


This is a new faucet from Kohler that has all these joints that can be folded up when not in use and then be extended to anywhere you want.  With a price tag of over $1,000 I think it’s a fun conversational piece but are your really going to pack it away every time you are done and then extend it?


This faucet is not even on the market yet.  It’s the Touch Kitchen Faucet by Delta.  You just touch the neck and the water comes on.  Just imagine if your hands are dirty, you can use your forearm to turn on the faucet.  How brilliant is that!?  Click here to watch their video.

And one other point is the finish.   Remember brushed metals as opposed to polished and matte, keep  fingerprints to a minimum.  Take your time choosing a faucet that will be functional as well as one that matches your own aesthetics.   Good luck!


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